Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Keepin it real.

Warning: this post jumps from topic to topic...

First off:

Daily nuts may help boost health

Thank God! With the amount of nuts I am eating I should be one healthy dude!

Secondly, I did heavy Fran. My time was 14:53 and it was brutal. For those who don't know, this is how it went down:
21-15-9 of each
115 lb Thrusters
Pull Ups
Done with a 20 lb weighted vest.

I knew that I was going to suffer terribly with the weight but that is, after all, the goal of this program. Sick, I know. And I definitely feel it today. Trapezius, quadriceps, deltoids, latissimus dorsi... all shot.

Overall everything is going quite well with the experiment, I have definitely noticed an increase in strength and explosive power. I have not been able to keep the workout schedule as I planned and my diet has been about 80%, but with the semester coming to an end, the next month should be manageable. I hope to get my diet up to 100% so that by the end of this I will really know whether or not the formula actually works for my body type as prescribed.

On another point, note that my entire body is sore from a workout that took under 15 minutes. I'm not just talking about a little sore, I mean I tried to show someone how to do a lunge yesterday and I went straight to the floor! All in under 15 minutes (20 if you include the warm-up). Once again, a testament to the time efficient strength and conditioning program that is CrossFit! I know I might sound brainwashed and if you think so, show me something better. I am all ears.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A simple comparison...

It is interesting looking at the fitness industry in general. The personalities, the programs, hypes and trends all hit you as soon as you walk in any typical gym. Some are good, some are less good. None are necessarily bad. As a person looking at the condition of society, I really am happy to see anyone doing anything to better their health. But in the pursuit of the simplest, most direct way to solve a problem (as all of the best solutions prove to be), I must say something about the efficient use of time.

A typical bodybuilding workout would take a person 45 minutes to 1 hour to get a good “pump.” Every time they go to the gym, they can plan on being there that long to train just strength. If they want to do a little cardiovascular training, add 20 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical to that. Now take a look at how much time is actually spent working during the 45 – 60 minutes. With your typical 8-10 reps and 2-3 minutes rest in between (we’ll call it 2.5 min), you are talking 20 seconds of work for every 2 minutes and 50 seconds. That means that only 12% of the time spent in the gym is actually spent doing work. Lets say that they are alternating exercises and resting half of that time. That only bumps it up to 24% at best.

I look at this and I am shocked at how many people in this busy society still adopt this system as their main mode of exercise. I was under the impression that they were looking for efficiency.

Let us now take a look at crossfit. CrossFit trains cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. A typical crossfit workout lasts 15-20 minutes. The amount of time spent working during that time: 100%. Well, maybe 98 or 97% if you calculate time gasping for air or cursing at the trainer. Anyone who has done a CF workout knows what it is like to truly work hard. I have seen many intelligent and successful professionals adopt CrossFit as their sole source of exercise for the sheer efficiency of the program. They don’t need to add 20 minutes to their program to account for endurance training or 10 minutes of stretching to work on flexibility (although this may be necessary when dealing with deficiencies in either). I have repeatedly heard from members that they have more stamina, greater range of motion, and are stronger and faster than they have ever been.

Once again, I need to say that any exercise is better than nothing. There is a place and time for many of the methods out there when dealing with deficiencies in any of the major modalities. However, when each of these modalities is addressed on a regular basis in CrossFit, there is no need for anything else. Weakness, inflexibility, and muscular imbalances are all addressed within the basic moves in CrossFit. The program speaks for itself. If you are seeking out the most efficient and direct way to true fitness, then eventually you will find CrossFit.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Epiphany

I had an epiphany today, it goes like this:

As many rounds in 15 minutes of:
10 Knees to elbows (holding a 20 lb med ball w/ feet)
15 Ring Pushups
20 Walking Lunges (with dumbbells of course)
all done with 20 lb weighted vest.

Okay, so it isn't like your ordinary epiphany where you figure out where you left your keys or how to fix that situation with your friend, but it is what goes through a trainer's mind. And I will be doing that on Tuesday. On another note, I had my heavy day today. I cut it down to just two moves so I could focus more on these two in particular:
Shoulder Press - Started at 95 and worked my way up to 135 (note that my 1RM at the beginning of this was 140 and today I was able to do 3 at 135)
Deadlift - Started at 155 and finished at 255 (265 i only got 2 reps)

As I said in my other post, I up my blocks on Monday and I am ready. Falling off of the zone does more than just make you unhealthy, it makes you unhappy. When your body is on a schedule, you feel much better. You don't have any crazy ups and downs with your glucose levels and things are pretty level (even though they don't always seem that way). I noticed the difference when I ate a ton of carbs over this holiday and my blood glucose was all over the place. It really does affect my moods when I keep the food intake balanced.

I think I'm going to zone for the rest of my life...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Metabolic Derangement

Well, my family made sure that I didn't do anything but eat and hang out. It was good seeing everyone and I ate a TON. You could basically say that for every block of fat I have been eating, I moved them over to the carbs. There was just so much good food. I can feel my blood glucose levels are all over the place and am glad to be zoning again.

So after a little metabolic derangement and inactivity, I worked out today and let me tell you, it was tough. I worked mainly on skills and flexibility within the overhead squat. I will be back at it tomorrow lifting heavy.

I guess this is why I tell people not to take more than a few days off of working out...

Monday I make the move to 18 blocks 5x the fat and I'm welcoming the extra food. With finals coming up and school ending, I will have the time to hit my workouts like I want to without the crazy sleep deprivation (not good for recovery).

Monday, November 24, 2008

Oly Lifting

Sorry but it has been a few days since I've updated this thing.

I have adjusted well to the new diet and loving the workout routine. Strength is my weakness, but it is fun to change up the programming for awhile. I will be attending a Crossfit Olympic Lifting Certification Seminar in February, so that gives me a bit more of a drive to practice the Oly lifts.

I am actually eager to bump up to 18 blocks. I have found that eating 4 meals a day is more practical for me. I have now divided up my 16 block 5x fat prescription to 4 meals of 4 blocks each.

I'll keep everyone posted on the happenings of the program.

P.S. On a side note, I am extremely sore from sprints that we did on Saturday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Closing Day 2

So, I am feeling my body adjust to the insane amount of fat I'm consuming. I was a true glutton throughout high school so the amount of food doesn't bother me, but I have never eaten this much fat (albeit healthy fat). Zac and Dave said they went through this low energy feel like crap period so I guess I will get over it too. At the end of the second day I am feeling better with it already.

I would have to say that the highlight of my day was the workout. Once I started warming up and getting ready for the power cleans I felt great. My weight was nothing impressive, but I went up to 175 for a couple sets then backed it down to 165 to work on my form.

After that, the 30 lb vest and I went to work:
10 min for rounds of:
4 Box Jumps
4 Plyo Push ups
4 Pull Ups

I made 9 rounds but could have made ten if I someone had been there to hold me accountable for the last 45 seconds. It was tough, I was really feeling my performance decline due to the increase in calories.

All in all I'm totally excited about the new training regimen. Its allowing us to throw some creativity into our workouts and train ways that I've never trained before.

Some side goals I have before the end of the three months:

-Gain proficiency at the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch.

-Practice Pistols over and over and over until I'm able to incorporate them completely into a W.O.D.

-Gain Flexibility

-12 consecutive handstand pushups

-Turkish Get-Up Kim

-Push Press Ernesto

-Deadlift my car (not the equivalent weight, the actual car)

-Climb Mt. Franklin with a 135lb bar overhead. (active shoulders the whole way)

-and last but not least... brush up on my Espanol.

Adios Amigos!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

First day

Today I started the workout regimen and playing with the new block prescription.
The workout:
Back Squat 7 x 3 (135,185,195,195,200,200,205)
Deadlift 7x3 (135,185,205,215,225,235,245)
Push Press 7x3 (95,115,135,145,155,160,165)

It was a definite change from my usual crossfit regimen. I had fun with this one.

My first meal with 5x fats left me immobile for a bit. This is going to be a long journey for sure, but I am stoked to get to the results which I have no doubt in my mind will come. I have plenty of room for improvement.

Here is some of my starting data, I'll have my body fat % up here soon.

Weight: 171 lbs
Height: 6' 2"

My 1 rep maximums for some major moves are as follows:

Shoulder Press: 140 lbs

Deadlift: 305 lbs

Bench Press: 225 lbs

Weighted Pull-up: 85 lbs

Power Clean: 200 lbs